Identifying Pain Points

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In business, we identify the client’s pain point. Then we offer a solution. It’s a pretty basic exchange. But, sometimes, identifying a pain point can cause befuddlement.

Remember, unless the potential customer is experiencing some sort of pain point, they are not going to buy your product.  

So, how do you go about doing this? Go to the source. Schedule a meeting with the potential client(s). And then really listen to what they have to say. However, during this process, we have a few tips.

First, don’t come across like a predator. Too many salespeople go in for “the kill” and that’s just not a way to do business. It also tends to lend itself to canned sales pitches with boring presentations in which the client has zoned out.  Second, remember, you’re trying to glean information as much as a sale.  Don’t come across as slimy.

But neither can you outright ask potential customers what isn’t working about your approach. You have to be subtle. Nobody is going to give you ammunition to sell to them. You can get your questions answered by asking open-ended questions.   

Third, it’s as simple as this: when you have a real discussion about a potential pain point, rather than plunging into your solution, prospective clients are far more likely to share their issues with you.

Finally, bear in mind that people, in general, love to hear themselves speak. In fact, most people are just waiting for their turn to speak. That’s why active listening is a thing. Your mission is to tease out as many pain points as possible. This is the ideal time to begin speaking about the solutions you can offer.