Change is the only constant.

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Being resilient is hard in the face of rapid and abrupt change especially when the dramatic changes are unexpected and out of your immediate control. Resisting change expends as tremendous amount of energy and can be debilitating. It can be mentally draining and ultimately have serious physical consequences if we can’t adapt and accept change in a more positive mindset.

Let’s put things into prospective. Change actually happens every day. Most changes are small and don’t impact us directly but change is something that humans have to deal with constantly. Weather changes, traffic interruptions or unexpected delays, and the effects of aging impact us every day and for the most part, we deal well with them. In other cases, change can overwhelm us and it can bring on more unintended consequences. So, what can you do deal with change?

Brad Sugars, founder and CEO of ActionCOACH has a formula for change he teaches business owners worldwide to help them adapt and deal with change. The formula is (D x V) + FS > R; Dissatisfaction times Vision + First Steps is greater than Resistance.  The fundamental points Sugars makes is that in order to continue to grow and succeed overcoming the negative aspects of change is critical. Sugars stresses that shifting your mindset and dealing with change proactively and positively is the foundation to long-term success. While businesses have principals and thought-leaders like Sugars who help them deal with change. We can apply this formula to help us cope and deal with change.

For more information about Brad Sugars and his teaching visit, or find him on social media platforms;, LinkedIn; Twitter @bradsugars

The current global pandemic not only has health implications it is affecting jobs, home lives and the world’s collectively economies. The changes happening to minimize the spread of the COVID 19 Virus are sweeping, unprecedented and are coming in rapid succession. Coping is hard and finding ways to adjust and adapt will tax your mental and physical health.

Here are some ways to adjust personally and professionally.

Acknowledging change is the first step

First, you have to accept that change is indeed happening. Come to turns with the big picture but that doesn’t mean you have to take on all the ills of the entire world on your shoulders. Compartmentalize and break down the changes into manageable pieces. Acknowledging change is the first step.  That doesn’t mean you have to change everything at once but understanding that conditions are now different is a good step. Ultimately, taking the first steps toward accepting and adapting to change may not be based on data. You may have to make a ‘leap of faith’ but if you have a support system, mentor or advisers in place, dealing with change might be easier.

Keep routines you can in place

Consistency is often challenged in times of great change. Routines and patterns are a way to reduce stress in many and keeping as much of your day-to-day activities unchanged as possible. Keep the time you get up the same, making beds, and dressing for work are all routines you can maintain to help ease some stress. Even if your work life has been altered and you are now working from home remotely, keep behaving and preparing yourself for your daily responsibilities to keep you focused and effective. It may be time to set new goals or perhaps to alter the way or the methodology how you achieve your goals, keep in mind, dramatic change doesn’t mean abandoning your goals all together.

Take care of yourself

It is paramount that your take care of your physical and mental health during times of crisis and sweeping change. That means eating healthy, getting enough sleep and continuing exercise are even more important during these stressful times. If you have an exercise regime, keep it going. If you don’t regularly exercise, this may the time to start. Consider meditation, yoga and low impact exercise to keep you as healthy as possible. Keep moving. Keep moving forward. This is not a time to stop moving.

Communicate & Ask for help

Isolation and social distancing can also lead to added stress in your life. It is important that you communicate your feelings and find someone to confide in. Find support from a professional and seek someone who you trust and who you can talk to about your uncertainty in a candid open way. State and local organizations and employers offer resources to help you deal with the increased psychological demands on you.

Focus on the Positive & Be Grateful

While change can bring negative outcomes, often positive and unaccepted upsides can result. Take times to consider the positive situations and circumstances that might happen due to the changes. More time with immediate family; more time to complete items on your to-do lists around the house; more time to get organized; and or time to do something you have been putting off – like writing a book may all be positives outcomes from the changes happening. Focusing on positives can help keep you from fixating on the negatives. Have gratitude and when possible share your positive attitude to others. Smile, be kind and simply being respectful can go along way of defusing the stress from change.

Unplug & Decompress

Being informed and staying current with the most up-to-date news is important and if knowledge gives you solace, then give yourself times to gather the information you need to feel more comfortable. But there is a point of diminishing returns. Too much news, too many stories and a continual bombardment of data can increase stress and angst. Know your limits. Take time to unplug and change your perspective. Watch a favorite movie, re-read a classic book or listen to favorite music to give you some respite from the on slot of news.

Additional stress can come from those around you who are resistant to change. Some within your inner circle may be scared and their focus on negative outcomes can keep you from making necessary changes. So, unplugging or tapping into other sources who may be dealing with change in a proactive and positive way is important.

This isn’t a comprehensive list of ways to deal with change or how to mitigate the impacts of change. Every person deals with change differently, and the more equipped you are the positive the outcome. Sugars emphasizes that dealing with change isn’t optional for business owners. Everyone from entrepreneur to line worker have to find ways to adapt and handle change in their lives in order to keep moving forward and overcome.

Adapting to change doesn’t always mean sweeping change. You may only have to make subtle or small changes to your environment to deal with the current situation. Also, consider that the changes brought on by the COVID 19 Global Pandemic may not be permanent but be honest with yourself by understanding that the world as we know will and has changed. Take the first steps towards embracing and dealing with change in our lives.

Below are some additional resources to help you cope and deal with change.